What people are saying

  • "The truth about spy craft; If you can handle it."

    If you love the gritty details of real special operations, I think you will love this revealing chronicle of the mostly true life of a genuine MI-6 operative. Nicholas Anderson spins an engaging fictional tale based on his real life. I am the sort of reader that puts a book down if it doesn't grab me early. I did not have that problem with NOC. The author's style is unconventional, but very compelling at a visceral level. The editing is a little rough around the edges, but it so fits with the story line itself that it works well. It is not a speed-read. The level of detail and the use of a lot of Russian names and phrases requires some concentration. However, it will reward the patient reader. Now, only about 2/3 of the way through the book, I am settling into the writing style and looking forward to each evening's episode. It is a good read. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

  • “More Fleming than LaCarre”

    Great fun but more Fleming than LaCarre. Author makes out it is a hidden biography but then he was in every covert action over three decades plus being a long term deep cover operative (cough cough). Also many facts are wrong - subtle things like equipment and geography but significant enough. But the environment is authentically represented and most events map on to real situations. Most annoying is the amateur philosophy and spruiking soviet (who needs rigorous testing) medical 'science'. But when 'Anderson' sticks to black ops stuff its fun though towards the end the scent of Munchausen is a little overwhelming. Maybe it should have been two books with some professional editing and fact checking. Still some parts were interesting enough to make me read a little further and query some more knowledgeable folks. Good at half the length.

  • “Amazing. I'm Already On his Second Book NOC Twice”

    In ancient Sparta, when King Leonidas would receive a plea for help from neighboring allies he would send one lone Spartan soldier. If Sparta existed today, that lone Spartan would be author Nicholas Anderson. I have read Navy SEAL books (No easy day, lone survivor, The red circle, American Sniper)... I've read John Le Carré (The Spy Who came in from the cold, Tinker Tailor, A most wanted man)... I've read books on generals,(The Operators, David Patraeus by Gericke)... I've read books on Delta (Kill Bin Laden, inside delta force)... All these books are amazing but to me NOC is a book that's in a genre of its own. As I got close to the end I started savouring chapters like fine wine! All the other negative reviews on here are BS. I went against the grain and purchased it and just bought NOC TWICE his second book.